Everything Coffee

We have compiled "Everything Coffee" as a place where independent coffee shop owners can come to learn more about coffee and just about anything else related to coffee making, coffee roasting, or marketing products sold in coffee shops.

Fair Trade Coffee Gives Coffee Farmers a Better Life

Fair Trade certified coffee allows coffee farmers in the poorest areas of the world to lift themselves out of poverty by obtaining a fair price for their product . . . more

Coffee Roasting Terminology

The terminology used in the coffee roasting process describes the degree of heat exposure, the color of the roasted coffee beans, and the amount of oils that are allowed to break through the surface of the coffee beans . . . more

The Right Ingredients For a Great Cup of Coffee

Brewing that perfect cup of coffee in your home drip coffee maker is not that difficult, provided you have the right equipment, the right water, proper filter, and a quality freshly roasted coffee . . . more

Compost Your Coffee Grounds and Grow a Better Garden

Coffee grounds are the perfect addition to your compost pile.  After brewing, coffee grounds absorb moisture critical to the compost pile, they are an excellent source of nitrogen widely available year-round, and they are usually free . . . more

Using Filtered Water to Improve Taste of Coffee

The quality of water used in brewing coffee or tea will definitely impact the taste of your favorite beverage. more

Organic Coffee Is Grown Naturally

For a coffee to be certified organic, the coffee farmer must prove that the land on which the coffee trees are grown and the coffee beans are free of fertilizer, pesticides or any other chemical. In other words, the coffee must be naturally grown . . . more

Is Your Decaf Really Caffeine Free?

According to medical experts, caffeine is the most widely consumed drug and it is known to  increase alertness, decrease fatigue, and improve muscle coordination.  Coffee is probably one of the most common sources of caffeine . . . more

Ordering Espresso Drinks At Your Local Coffee Shop

Going into a coffee shop can be a traumatic experience, with all the different types of coffee drinks listed on the menu.  We don’t have a problem ordering hot or iced regular coffee, but deciding which type of espresso beverage to order can bring out the anxiety . . . more

Brewing A Perfect Cup of Coffee

For coffee lovers, a good day starts with a great cup of coffee. Brewing a great cup of coffee — a perfect cup of coffee — requires a few key elements . . . more

How To Open a Coffee Shop

The absolute first requirement in opening a coffee shop is the sincere passion for coffee.  There must be some basic knowledge of coffee beans, coffee roasting and the many different ways to brew and serve coffee and coffee related products . . . more