Thursday, May 22, 2014

Growing Fair Trade Coffee Gives Coffee Farmers A Better Life

coffee farmers live better due to Fair Trade
Fair Trade better for coffee farmers
Fair Trade certified coffee allows coffee farmers in the poorest areas of the world to lift themselves out of poverty by obtaining a fair price for their product. Here are some of the ways that growing Fair Trade coffee gives coffee farmers a better life.

Fair Trade USA is a non-profit organization established for the purpose of monitoring and certifying products as Fair Trade. Coffee is only one of several products that can be Fair Trade certified. Other products include tea, wine, honey, grain, wearing apparel, body care and many others.

Fairtrade International is an organization that sets the standards for Fair Trade certification on an international level. The mission of this organization is to support Fair Trade producers, as well as, promoting trade justice.

Fair Trade certification and labeling was enacted in the late 1980s to assure consumers that strict social and economic standards are followed in the growing, harvesting, packaging and labeling of coffee. Every step of coffee growing and packaging must be 100% Fair Trade coffee in order to be certified by Fair Trade USA and carry the Fair Trade label.


Fair Trade coffee enables fair labor conditions

Fair Trade coffee farmers are free to form cooperative with other coffee growers. They are guaranteed safe working conditions, as well as, living wages. Coffee farms certified as Fair Trade are not allowed to use forced child labor.


Growing Fair Trade coffee allows community development

Fair Trade coffee farmers invest in quality training programs, scholarship funds and other social and business development projects. In countries like Nicaragua and India, farmer associations have used funds to provide school supplies, pay for tuition, set up scholarship programs, and finance free, healthy meals for children. Revenues generated by U. S. markets have helped build schools and give the gift of education in some of the most isolated communities around the world.


Fair Trade certification permits direct trade with coffee importers

Fair Trade allows coffee farmers the right to earn a decent living for their hard work and connects them with U. S. importers, thereby eliminating the middlemen and insuring long-term sustainability. Fair Trade is much more than a fair price.

The established coffee prices act as a safety when markets fall below sustainable levels. Without Fair Trade, small coffee farmers would be completely at the mercy of the market.

Due to increased pressure from the coffee drinking public, many national coffee shop chains, as well as, small independent coffee shops are promoting the Fair Trade label. Fair Trade coffee usually costs more per pound than coffee that is not certified, but many coffee suppliers and shops see the increased cost as a good investment. Advocates of Fair Trade coffee seem to see it as a way of helping others, while critics see this certification as a way for coffee farmers to ban together in cooperatives to just increase the overall cost of coffee.

Through Fair Trade, coffee farmers are better equipped to support their families and grow high-quality coffee for your enjoyment. By buying into Fair Trade consumers are supporting coffee farmers who are struggling to improve their lives. The next time you buy coffee, look for the Fair Trade label.
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