Thursday, May 22, 2014

Brewing A Perfect Cup Of Coffee

How to brew a perfect cup of coffee
A good cup of coffee doesn't have to come from a coffee shop.
If you are a coffee drinker, you can certainly spot a good cup of coffee when you taste it. Good coffee doesn't have to come from a coffee shop. With the right ingredients and a little practice, you can make great tasting coffee at home. Let's explore the steps necessary to brew a perfect cup of coffee.


A perfect cup of coffee begins with the right equipment

To brew a good cup of coffee, you must begin with good equipment. The amount of time the water is in contact with the ground coffee affects the flavor. The contact time of your coffee brewer should be about five minutes. The water temperature is another important factor in brewing coffee, and your brewer should maintain a water temperature between 190 and 200 degrees Fahrenheit.  A stainless steel carafe will retain the freshness of your coffee longer than one made from glass.

Clean your brewer after each use. Coffee beans contain a natural oil that makes its residue extra sticky to everything, including the brew basket, the coffee pot, your spoon and spoon holder. Everything should be cleaned with soap and water.


You can't brew a perfect cup of coffee with bad water

Since coffee is mostly water, if you begin with bad water, you end up with bad coffee. If your tap water contains a lot of chlorine or has a strong taste or odor, it's better to use bottled or filtered water. The water should not be perfectly pure, so do not use distilled water.


The main ingredient in a perfect cup of coffee is freshly roasted coffee

Freshly roasted coffee makes the best brewed cup of coffee. Only buy as much coffee as you can use in a week or two. It is best to buy whole bean coffee from a roasting company or your local independent coffee shop. You should be able to purchase coffee beans that have been roasted within the past two or three days. It is not a good idea to buy coffee beans from your local grocery store.

You have no idea when these coffee beans were roasted and you don't know how the grocery store cares for their coffee beans. Coffee beans are perishable and will go stale if they are exposed to air. Your coffee beans should be kept in an airtight container. Freezing your coffee beans does not prevent them from going stale.


Grind your coffee beans just before brewing your perfect cup of coffee

A burr coffee grinder is preferred because all the coffee beans are ground to a consistent size. Grind your coffee beans just before brewing the pot of coffee and only grind as much as you will need for the one pot. If your coffee tastes bitter, your grounds may be too fine. On the other hand, if your coffee tastes weak, the grounds are probably too coarse. Once you have found the grind that makes the best cup of coffee for you, rub some of the coffee between your fingers so you can get a "feel" for the right grind. This process will allow you to make a perfect cup of coffee every time.


A perfect cup of coffee requires the right ratio of coffee to water

Determining the right amount of coffee to use in your pot of coffee will take a little practice. A general rule of thumb is one to one and a half tablespoons of ground coffee per six ounces of water. Keep in mind that some water will evaporate during the brewing process. Once you have brewed two or three pots of coffee, you will find the exact ratio of coffee to water that suits your taste.


Your perfect cup of coffee should be enjoyed immediately

Brewed coffee starts to lose its optimal taste a short time after brewing, so only brew as much coffee as can be consumed immediately. Coffee will have a burned taste after about 15 minutes on the burner. If your coffee is not to be served immediately, pour it into a warmed, insulated thermos and serve within the next hour.

It takes practice to brew a perfect cup of coffee, but once you have mastered it, just savor and enjoy it. There's just no better way to start the day than with a great tasting cup of coffee.
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